
Disruptive Innovation demands well structured and bold approaches.
We help you define yours.

DIC | Consultancy services

Innovation Management

Innovation management is a holistic and participatory process involving -ideally- different levels and areas of expertise within an organisation. It entails a systematic approach of generating, prioritising, developing and implementing new ideas, products, processes or services. The core aim of innovation management is to drive transformation within an organisation by decisively fomenting creativity, collaboration and, ultimately, value creation.

Effective innovation management requires embracing a true collaborative and participatory culture deeply anchored in the DNA of your organisation. 

Promoting, supporting and rewarding the engagement of employees at all levels, allowing to risk and fail, fosters creativity and collaboration.
It is equally important to sharply determine the innovation focus areas of your organisation. Is it a product, process or business model you would like to focus on?
We are glad to co-create and implement with you a solid and sustainable innovation management strategy delivering added value to your organisation.

Startups and entrepreneurs playground is very dynamic and normally accompanied of uncertainties. This context demands, on the one hand, a sharp focus on most relevant priority issues, but, on the other hand, also flexibility and adaptability to promptly react to a changing environment and conditions.
Whether you need assistance for simple stuff (revamp your business plan or pitch deck), or a more tailored support like identifying suitable soft-landing, incubation or acceleration programmes, relevant investor networks or even joining collaborative international projects, DIC is ready to support you in the definition of your innovation strategy.

Innovation Financing

Unlocking access to finance your innovation project is of capital relevance. DIC builds upon 19 years of experience on successfully facilitating clients access to European funding programmes. We can also advice you on alternative financing sources (e.g. business angels, venture capital) and suggest you suitable potential networks and cooperation organisations.

Unlocking the benefits of European funding can follow different approaches, depending on your organisation type, available capacities and particular preferences.
Whether you, as a company, research organisation, or innovation facilitator, are aiming at taking a steering position in the context of an international collaborative project and lead the process, from the definition of the project idea to the selection of partners you would like to collaborate with (see below bid management), or alternatively you rather prefer teaming up with an already existing consortium as partner and join forces (see below partner referral), we have a dedicated service for you.

Bid management package

Bid management package

DIC provides a comprehensive and dedicated bid management support package covering:

Bid screening and analysis
Bid writing
Partner search

Partner referral

Partner referral

We screen for suitable consortia matching your area and priorities and negotiate for you your inclusion in the project proposal.

If you are a mature startup (scaleup) or SMEs developing innovative solutions, technologies or products, there are dedicated funding instruments potentially interesting for you, like e.g.:

  • EIC – Accelerator – Dedicated instrument to support breakthrough and high-risk technological developments.
  • Cascade funding – This type of funding is provided by a wide range of European funded projects in various technological sectors. Funding varies from project to project (from 20.000 to 100.000 €)
  • EUREKA | INNOWWIDE – Market penetration facilitation trough financial support to implement a Viability Assessment Project. This mechanism permits also third-country companies (outside the European Union) to apply and benefit of EU funding.

DIC can support you in the proposal preparation and submission processes (see bid management service above).

Whereas DIC is specialised on facilitating access to European funding instruments, we are glad to advice you on alternative sources of financing that might be relevant to your organisation and type of project and to introduce you to our cooperation partners and network organisations like, e.g.

  • Business Angels Associations
  • Venture Capital Networks
funded projects


International collaboration is a meaningful approach to amplify the success of your organisation. It can ignite your growth engine by connecting with collaboration partners, potential customers and peers globally. It requires, however, careful planning and implementation.
DIC can support you to connect with international innovation ecosystems in different regions of the world (Europe, Africa, Latin America), by identifying suitable collaboration partners matching your needs and strategic priorities. DIC can also accompany and support you in setting the foundations towards establishing a meaningful and mutually beneficial collaboration strategy.
Whether you are looking for RTD partners, innovation facilitators, or business partners, DIC can advice you on the best suitable strategy depending on the country or region you would like to target.
If you would like to explore new promising markets for your products or services, DIC can advice you on available “Market Discovery” programmes and initiatives that could support your endeavour.

DIC | Your trusted partner in EU funded projects

The origins of DIC go back to a track record of excellence on participating, either as coordinator or project partner, in EU funded programmes. DIC founder, Eduardo Herrmann, has been involved in a vast number of collaborative international technical and non-technical projects.

We thus look very much forward to hear about your project ideas and have a conversation with you about them.

Below you can see DIC’s main intervention areas regarding EU funded projects.

IPR, technology management, exploitation strategies

IPR, technology management, exploitation strategies

Core activities | Conception and implementation of:

  • IPR analysis and management plans
  • Exploitation/sustainability plans/strategies
  • Business models/plans
  • Roadmapping/technologies trend analyses
  • Technology transfer strategies
  • Cascade funding schemes

Innovation ecosystems building

Innovation ecosystems building

Core activities | Conception and implementation of:

  • Stakeholders’ engagement strategies
  • Stakeholders’ collaborative networks
  • Plans to facilitate RTD-industry-innovators collaboration
  • Strategies to connect International innovation ecosystems

Capacity building/upgrading

Capacity building/upgrading

Core activities | Conception and implementation of:

  • Workshops on innovation and project management
  • Trainings on business creation/technology transfer
  • Trainings on funding acquisition / bid writing
  • Policy recommendations papers